Commentary & ArticlesEminent
Domain is Complicated by California Dairy Regulations
by Mark Wasser, December 2010
When a public
agency uses eminent domain to acquire additional right-of-way along
an existing road, the acquisition is often of relatively minor
significance to the property owner and usually presents a simple
appraisal issue. This is not true if the right-of-way being acquired
belongs to a dairy.
Dairies are among the most regulated
businesses in our society. Everything from the size of the dairy to
the number of cows in the dairy’s herd to the discharge of the
dairy’s waste water is regulated by multiple governmental agencies.
Typically the county, the State of California and the regional air
quality agency all issue permits. The county often issues a permit
that specifies the number of acres included in the dairy and limits
the number of cows in the dairy’s herd. The State gets involved in
regulating herd size, as well, and also specifies the amount of
waste water that can be discharged from the dairy. And, the air
quality agency regulates the dairy’s emissions. All the permits are
tied to the number of acres in the dairy.
The taking of just
a narrow strip of land for road right-of-way can reduce the dairy’s
acreage below what is required by the dairy’s permits. This can
raise difficult questions about whether the dairy can maintain its
existing herd and whether it still owns enough land to absorb its
waste water. Depending on the answers to those questions, a small
right-of-way acquisition can trigger large valuation issues. If the
taking will require the dairy to reduce its herd size or place the
dairy out of compliance with its waste water discharge permit, just
compensation for the taking is likely to be much more than the value
of the narrow strip of land being taken.
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Law Offices of Mark A. Wasser
400 Capitol Mall Suite 2640 Sacramento, California
Office: 916.444.6400 Fax: 916.444.6405
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